Project home for New Alterlite - A new locaria community pack focused on a different approach of minecrafting.
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"name": "Alterlitium Crystals",
"icon": "zcm_newalterlite:alterlitium",
"category": "gametips",
"pages": [
"type": "spotlight",
"item": "zcm_newalterlite:alterlitium",
"text": "$(item)Alterlitium Crystals$() are currently a work in progress content that will be used to craft certain items. $(p)They can be mined from $(item)Alterlitium Clusters$() and normally drop 1 to 3 crystals at a time."
"type": "spotlight",
"item": "zcm_newalterlite:alterlitiumore",
"text": "$(item)Alterlitium Clusters$() can be found $(thing)deep underground$() in generally $(thing)warm and dry biomes$(). You won't be finding any of these in biomes made up of mostly water. $(p)You will need a sufficient pickaxe to be able to mine the crystals from it."
"type": "crafting",
"recipe": "zcm_na_alterlitiumblock_recipe",
"title": " ",
"text": "Much like other resources, Alterlitum can also be compacted into a block form. $(p)"
"type": "text",
"text": "$(item)Alterlitium$(), when extracted from it's cluster seems to irradiate some form of $(thing)harmless radiation$(), as well as a $(thing)very faint light$(). This is most apparent when in the compacted block form. $(p)A practical use that takes advantage of this is by making $(l:gettingcomfortable/lamps)Alterlitium Lamps$()."